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Writer's pictureJohn Templeton

6 Ways To Activate The Higher Mind

Higher Mind
6 Ways to Activate the Higher Mind

The Higher Mind, also referred to as the Higher Self, Authentic Self, or Soul, is the timeless part of ourselves that is aware of the past, present and future simultaneously. This means that the past and future disappear, making way for a person to enter the timeless, present moment.

The Higher Mind is what’s active when we’re in a state of presence, however accessing and staying active within this state can be challenging and in this article I want to break down some aspects and insights that will help you remain connected to your Higher Mind and Authentic Self.

To cut straight to the point, it is emotion that takes a person away from their Authentic Self because as soon as a person becomes emotional, their mind is polarised and they will go into a state of seek and avoid. They will attempt to avoid emotional pain by seeking emotional pleasure. In this state, a person becomes unconscious and is driven by their survival based instincts or preconditioned patterns of behaviour.

This can happen on a short timeframe or a longer timeframe. For example, a person could feel criticised, become emotional and then act in a defensive manner which is a short time frame. Or a person might have a deeper underlying feeling of unworthiness that drives them to continually seek validation. Both scenarios are driven by emotion and the lower mind.

So really, to understand our Higher Mind/Authentic Self we have to understand emotion; and to understand emotion, we have to understand perception. Here are some quick guidelines: 

  1. All emotions operate by law - there is always a cause that leads to the emotional effect.

  2. The cause of all emotions are the perceptions of either the loss or gain of something we value.

  3. When we perceive something we value to be present we feel positive, and when we perceive something we value to be absent we feel negative.

The moment we perceive something we value to be either present or absent within time and space we become polarised and emotional. This is because, when we measure something in time we dualise it, putting it into either present or absent, and the moment we dualise it we polarise ourselves in relation to it. 

"The moment we dualise it, we polarise ourselves in relation to it"

For example, if we value money and measure how much money we have and believe it to be present, we experience positive emotions whereas if we believe it to be absent, we will feel a negative emotion. The greater the degree of presence or absence at any given moment, the greater our emotional reaction is to it. The moment that happens, we lose touch with our Higher Mind/Authentic Self: we become sidetracked and we lose connection to ourselves and our true path in life.

If we took time out of the equation then there would be no emotional reaction because technically we couldn’t tell if it was present or absent if there was no time to measure within.

(-) Absence |-------------------------------------------------------| Presence (+)

The thing we value is perceived to be absent in the past, present or future = negative emotion

The thing we value is perceived to be present in the past, present or future = positive emotion

We can also see these perceptions as measurements or as our expectations. As soon as we have expectations on how things should have been, should be or could be, we polarise ourselves, become emotional, and lose touch with our Higher Mind/Authentic Self. So with that said, there are some things we can do to ensure we stay present and connected to the Higher Mind/Authentic Self.

How to Retain a Connection with the Higher Mind/Authentic Self

  1. Value everything equally (True Gratitude) - Enlightenment/Atonement.

This means that we cannot become polarised because we never see loss or gain, we just see things moving, changing or transforming. For example, if we value being rich and being poor equally, then whether our wealth goes up or down we’re still authentic, inspired, and able to do our best work.

  1. Appreciate how anything that happens is serving our highest value (Gratitude).

When we do this, we see that no matter what has happened, is happening or could happen, it is a blessing that serves our highest purpose. For example, we might highly value our personal growth, and then anytime something doesn’t go our way we can see it as an opportunity to improve and support our personal growth.

  1. Stop measuring absence or presence of values in relation to time.

    1. Set timeless intentions not goals

As soon as we have a timeframe to reach a certain goal or destination we become polarised because all of a sudden there is pressure and a deadline. Some people need pressure to work which means they’re un-inspired. Inspiration exists beyond time. For example, if you want to find your soul mate, have the intention but put no constraints on when it occurs. Time will lead to desperation, and desperation will lead to separation from the thing we value.

  1. Do not expect yourself, another person or anything to live outside of Universal Law.

    1. Appreciate Universal Law

When we have unrealistic expectations, it is easy to become let down when, inevitably, those unattainable expectations are not met or lived up to. For example, don’t expect the stock market to go up but not down, or another person to be happy but never sad.

  1. Do not expect another person to live outside of their values.

    1. Appreciate other people's values.

When we have unrealistic expectations it is easy to become let down when, inevitably, those unattainable expectations are not met or lived up to. For example, don’t expect someone to do things the way you would do them.

  1. Do not compare yourself to others

    1. Appreciate your own strengths and weaknesses

    2. See yourself as a whole being (integrate missing parts)

When we compare, there is a sense of better and worse, both which lead to polarisation. The moment we compare ourselves to something, someone or even ourselves, we become emotional and lose contact with our Authentic Self. For example, if you see someone that you believe is more intelligent or successful than you, look closely and discover where you have strengths in places that they don’t.

When the Higher Mind is active, we’re at our most clear, adaptable and able to navigate life with enthusiasm and appreciation. Because of this, not only do we have sustainable energy, but we also experience synchronicities within our lives. Unforeseen opportunities arise, the right people enter our life at the right time, and the things we’ve always wanted seem to appear relatively effortlessly. This is when we’re at our most authentic.

Live Inspired, John

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