Have you ever felt it... almost like anxiety... that time is getting on, you're getting older, and you're not where you want to be in life. The fear hits you in the form of a realisation that your dreams might not actually occur. Maybe you're even aware enough to notice the next thought that arises after, that you're not good enough or maybe that you're a failure.
This is a common pattern, especially in middle age, and it steals a persons authenticity and happiness by dragging their mind and consciousness into a negative and pessimistic frequency. Despite it being nothing more than a thought, it has the power to really shake our foundations. We can then either brush it aside, or try to forget about it by burying it down inside, but in doing so we're really just ignoring the fact that we're not where we want to be in life. The more we bury it, the more tension there will be bubbling inside which leads to all sorts of disempowering behaviour revealing itself in the future.
Some people will just contract and shrink, believing that if they just hide away nobody will be able to see the underlying fears and insecurities. Others will keep pushing down their insecurities until something triggers them to erupt and outwardly express the internal discontent. The eruption might look like a form of complaining about the world, or by blaming someone else for their shortcomings. However, no matter how we deal with this feeling of time running out, it will remain within our system and unknowingly control our actions until we face it, and deal with it head on.
This feeling of running out of time steals our energy from the present moment and splits it into two distinct vectors. First, we realise that time is running out which brings with it a feeling of fear or anxiety which is Vector 5 - Future Negative. Secondly a feeling of not being good enough, or being a failure, which is an internally projected Vector 3 - Present Negative.
NOTE: If you know my work you will recognise the image above, and if you want to dive deeper into my work then I recommend you go through my free online course Discover Your Authentic Self which explains how our thoughts and feelings create our patterns and our life.
The only reason we would fear time running out is because we feel like we need to achieve something. But what do we need to achieve? And why do we need to achieve it? For me personally, I experienced this in my late 30's. Up until this realisation life was moving ahead and I was busy achieving or working towards achieving my goals. But then, after my progress was halted by the pandemic, and my life really became unstuck, I started to see the world differently.
My progress wasn't just stagnant, it actually started to go backwards, and I found myself feeling like a failure. That feeling grew because the more inferior I felt, the less power and creativity I had to put into my work, and the less effort I put in the worse things became which created a negative feedback loop. If you want to learn more about this loop, I wrote an article titled "How to Find Confidence & Belief Within Yourself"
The more inferior I felt, the greater my fear of time running out became because I felt as if I was no longer the person capable of accomplishing my dreams. There was a disconnect between what I saw for my future and what I was now realising was possible. There was an irreconcilable gap which sent anxiety through my body. But why? Why did it matter so much to me? Why did it mean so much that it ended up stealing my joy? Surely our dreams are meant to bring us happiness, not rob it from us?!
As I explored my mind and psyche, the evidence I discovered was actually contrary to what people would think. I dreamed of building a successful business, having money, having a house on the water, being well known, and travelling the world with my work and for leisure. The dreams I had were real, they existed in my mind and on my vision board, but they were just fantasies and not genuine authentic visions. The reason I had created these dreams, or these fantasies, was not because they were my souls calling, but because my dreams were mental concepts that I thought would make me happy and meet my needs in the future. These dreams and fantasies exist as a giant carrot that we are chasing in the future, they are Vector 6 - Future Positive.
The reason people create fantasies about the future are to compensate for lack and deficiency in the present. When we feel like our life has missing elements, or we feel a sense of unworthiness, we then set off to create success in the future to fill our voids and provide evidence to the contrary of our low self worth. Vision boards are nothing more than an overcompensation of present moment unhappiness or unworthiness. Below is an image that represents the entire pattern.
Now you might be thinking, "how is this relevant to the fear of time running out"....
We'll all fears exist as either a potential for loss of an attachment, or gain of a resentment, and in this case there is a loss of an attachment. The fear of time running out is really just the fear of a loss of an attachment. The attachment is the fantasy in which we have created. When we feel like we may never achieve or gain the fantasy we feel the fear of running out of time. But that is just one layer of the problem, and as you've already seen, the reason we create the fantasy in the first place is to compensate for deficiency in our lives and inadequacy within our identity.
To overcome the the fear of time running out, we must get to the core of the issue which means we must let go of the fantasy by healing the internal deficiency. When I say this to people their mind can have a little conniption because their goals and dreams are what give their life direction, meaning and stability. But I'm not saying to get rid of your goals and dreams, I'm saying that if you fear not achieving them, then they are fantasies and not your souls genuine reason for being on earth.
When we have an authentic vision for the future there is no fear around not achieving it, because it isn't a destination we need to arrive at in order to feel happy or fulfilled. An authentic person is fulfilled internally and so there is no rush to get anywhere or achieve anything. There is no excitement to get somewhere in the future, and there is no fear of it not happening. An authentic person is present in the moment, and within the present moment is pure creativity and unlimited potential. This makes way for a future of absolute joy and appreciation.
"An authentic person is present in the moment, and within the present moment is pure creativity and unlimited potential"
When we are being ourselves, and we no longer NEED to achieve things in order to feel fulfilled or worthy, the fear of time running out dissolves. In fact, time itself dissolves. The more work I did on my self worth, the more I had an inherent feeling of genuine self esteem. My superficial dreams disappeared which returned energy into my being instead of it being siphoned away into a fantasy of the future. The more energy returned to my being, the more creative and joyful I became in the present - and that's when my true pathway and vision for the future appeared.
To summarise. Fear only exists if we have an attachment, and attachments only exist to compensate for lack. If we fear time running out it is because we have an attachment to "more time", but beneath that desire for "time" is the fact that we're not fulfilled or present within the moment.
This doesn't mean we shouldn't aim to create progress in our livers, or move ourselves towards a greater ideal. What it does mean is that we should create our life around doing what we love, not because it validates us, keeps us safe, starves off boredom or fits into the expectations of our peer group; but because we genuinely love the growth that comes with what we're doing. If "more time" is needed, a person isn't enjoying the process and growth, they're focusing on a future destination which they hope will bring them happiness.
Focus on building a life around your aspirations and doing what you love, then the fear of time running out will melt away as your energy will be contained within the present moment.
Live Inspired,
PS: Each month I write a free newsletter that explores tips for empowering and inspiring ourselves by mastering our psychology and tapping into our spiritual potential. If you'd like to join the newsletter and learn how to empower yourself in every area of life, click the link below and enter your details.
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To find genuine fulfilment. To find true purpose. To live an inspired life. All of these things can only occur when we are being our Authentic selves. So who are you? Are you fears and doubts? Are you your goals and dreams? Are you your past mistakes? You are none of these these things. You are the infinite, immortal, unlimited soul, and until you're connected to that part of yourself, something will always feel missing. When you strengthen the connection to your soul, you find your Authenticity and step into total, holistic empowerment.
💻 Discover Your Authentic Self Sign Up (FREE): www.johntempleton.io/discover-your-authentic-self