Unfortunately people have been fed a lie which is keeping them from experiencing their full potential.
The lie people have been fed is the false belief that, if you simply believe something strongly enough it will happen. For example, if you believe you will be able to build a relationship that is always peaceful, perfect and abundant, or you believe you can find eternal peace and joy, and you believe it strongly enough then it will manifest in your life.
This kind of belief is destroying peoples fulfilment and self worth because belief alone is not enough - you also have to be realistic. As much as people wish to have it all, it’s simply not possible. You cannot create something that defies universal laws. Trying to do so will diminish a persons self belief and self worth because they will never quite be able to live up to their own unrealistic false beliefs.
"You cannot create something that defies universal laws"
A physicist wouldn’t tell a person to jump off of a building because it’s possible to fly, and the reason it’s not possible is because it defies physics. No amount of belief will manipulate the laws of physics, the laws of the universe or for the religious type, the laws of God.
People destroy themselves when they jump off buildings, and people destroy their lives when they believe things that are not true. I received a comment on one of my posts last week which is what inspired this post. I don’t enjoy replying to people online because the majority of the time you end up trying to convince an uneducated and ignorant person who’s unwilling to learn and grow. It's not worth the effort, so instead I prefer to blog about it for those open enough to learn.
The post I wrote was about there being tough times ahead, and that humanity as a whole is about to head into conflict. The post I wrote was based on universal law, not just an opinion, and I can guarantee - with certainty - that what I wrote will occur. And you can read his reply to my post here.
These beliefs are beautiful, inspiring and completely ignorant. Do our beliefs shape our reality? Yes they do. But there are two dimensions that exist, there is reality and then there is actuality. Our beliefs shape our reality but they do not shape actuality. Actuality is what’s really real, and reality is what we believe to be real. When those two things are out of alignment we experience frustration, disappointment and various other negative emotions.
The person that commented on my post, and anyone else that is holding these false, fanciful beliefs, is destined to experience pain or disappointment when actuality doesn’t match their expectation of reality. They're essentially living in a delusion. The same way expecting a relationship to always be peaceful, perfect and abundant. Nothing involving humans is peaceful, perfect and abundant all the time - nothing.
It is far wiser to understand universal laws and live in accordance with them, instead of buying into the nonsense and fantasies that we can magically change the perfection of existence with our minds. This isn’t to say our minds aren’t powerful or cannot create, in fact it’s quite the opposite, but no matter how hard we try our mind will never be greater than that of the universe/divinity/God.
We are the creators of our reality, our minds do have the power to create, however we must work within the laws and rules that have been given to us. I wanted to write this post because a big part of becoming the creator of our own reality is having realistic expectations. If our expectations are unrealistic we will become emotional, and when we become emotional we lose our power to create.
There is a time to be optimistic, specifically when we're fearful. There is a time to be pessimistic, specifically when we’re excited. But the time to be realistic supersedes both optimism and pessimism, and to be realistic is to believe in your ability to create the life of your dreams, as long as it is in alignment with universal law.
Live Inspired,
PS: Each month I write a free newsletter that explores tips for empowering and inspiring ourselves by mastering our psychology and tapping into our spiritual potential.
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